Voting and the Meaning of Honor

America has roughly 335 million residents, of which 311 million are citizens.  Each one of these humans, according to the principles of our founding, is a unique being living by the grace of a Divine Creator.  Stewarding the country under this philosophical basis, with liberty and justice for all, is a great responsibility.  Upholding the sanctity of so many lives and loved ones depends on mature decision-making.

The first duty and right of all citizens is to determine who among us is worthy of serving in the roles of lawmakers, executives, and judges.  Our founders held that only those of exceptional honor could be entrusted with these positions.  To place the dreams and potential of so many people in the hands of anyone is admittedly risky.  Those who demonstrate the greatest discipline in choosing service over self are required, as the temptation to abuse power is ever-present.  The need is for representatives who govern strictly within the bounds of the authority granted them by the people, upholding individual sovereignty for all to the greatest degree.

Which people?  According to the Fourteenth Amendment, Section 2, the right to vote in federal and statewide elections is granted exclusively to voting eligible citizens.  If a state is found to have denied, or abridged in any way, the rights of its eligible citizen voters to participate in federal and statewide elections, that state loses apportionment in proportion to the number of injured citizens.  The state loses federal funds, congressional representation, and Electoral College votes.

There was a time when birthdates were not required to determine voting eligibility, nor were verified mailing addresses.  This was a time of relative honor.  Globalization has so transformed our reality that it is hard to remember what a small town was, with a bakery, a bank, a grocery, and a lumberyard — with a town clerk who knew everyone and his family tree.  Ballots were anonymous, but everything else about life for many Americans was based on direct connection and accountability over generations.  Voter ID was implied, as the person handing you a ballot on Election Day knew that you deserved that privilege and would shoulder the responsibility well.

Times have changed, and the meaning of honor has gone with them.  We are told it is honorable to register to vote through a computer and check a citizenship box.  We are told it makes us bad and mean if we question the integrity of using such a system.  Registrars are told that the DMV has authority to validate voting qualifications, and pollworkers are chided when they don’t emphatically refuse to look at an ID.  In short, the very idea of owner-stakeholders, American citizens, stewarding our own destiny has been abandoned in practice, if not in parlance.  Registering to vote, in the words of a commissioner of elections in New York, is “an honor system.”  Where is the honor in anonymous civics?

In 1964, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Reynolds v. Sims that dilution of the vote was an equal abridgment to outright denial of the right to vote.  Since the third sentence of the U.S. Constitution grants the right to choose representatives to the people of the several states, dilution of the vote is a foundational civil rights abridgment.  Government by consent fulfills the purpose of securing our protected natural right, in America only, to be governed first by our conscience, as long as we recognize that inherent right in all other people as well.  Those who serve in our limited government do so because of the authority we grant them, as long as our elections are fairly administered.

Programmers from all over the country volunteering with United Sovereign Americans have measured the effect of this honor system.  In just nine states, analysts have uncovered over 17 million registrations that fail to meet any standard of eligibility, or even appear valid.  This is not a statistical probability; these are individual registrations in statewide voter roll databases.  Millions of them voted in the 2022 midterms, when our entire House of Representatives was purportedly chosen by eligible citizens.  Contrast this with the mandate by Congress in 1993, under the Necessary and Proper clause, for election officials to maintain these records impeccably, thus protecting our national vision of freedom and equality under the law.  The facts show that they have no idea who many of our voters are, although it is their duty to know.  The official records don’t adequately demonstrate a valid identity.

A voting system fundamentally contains three elements: voters, votes, and counts.  Voters are upstream of votes and counts.  This is why Congress mandated accurate voter rolls in 1993.  It is also why federal prosecution guidelines identify voter registration fraud as a felony.  Once a name appears in the list of registered voters, it is assumed verified as meeting all eligibility requirements for that state and granted a ballot.  The potential for corruption of the votes and counts, via dilution of qualified voters’ votes, is real when voter lists are not accurate.

To see how this operates in reality, take the example of New York’s 2022 midterm.  Four days after this election was certified as accurate and legally compliant, the voter rolls contained at least 5.1 million registration violations.  Seven hundred thirty-two thousand votes for the 2022 midterm were counted from these seemingly ineligible or invalid registrations.  Thirty-five thousand three hundred twelve votes have no voter at all.  Instead of meeting federal accuracy requirements of voting systems, mandating a maximum error rate of 0.0008%, the New York State Board of Elections trampled it with a voting error rate of 12%.  Twelve races specifically protected under the Fourteenth Amendment — for U.S. senator, nine House of Representatives seats, governor, and attorney general — had a margin of victory less than 12%.  The magnitude of dilution is staggering, as well as the civil rights injury to the rest of the nation.  Use of the “honor system” has destroyed the integrity of our elections, leaving no way to certify outcomes.

There is no honor in watching our country slide into tyranny, instability, or violent discord.  We must immediately use these facts, already prepared for ten U.S. states and with twelve more in process, to demand that every ballot in our 2024 general election come from a qualified citizen voter, as the U.S. Constitution requires.  United Sovereign Americans, an all-volunteer non-profit organization, was created to enforce this process using federal law.  Millions of dollars’ worth of meticulous research is complete.

Our country was founded on the principle that each one of us was created, and has a right and duty to live according to the unique gifts, opportunities, and responsibilities we were given by our Creator.  The federal government didn’t give us life or wisdom, and the federal government can’t judge it or take it away.  It exists to protect that original relationship.  It is time for us to demand that this broken election system be immediately fixed.  We require a valid 2024 election that obeys the law.

Marly Hornik is the CEO of United Sovereign Americans,, as well as executive director and president of New York Citizens Audit,

Image: cagdesign via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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