American Thinker Blog

So was Hunter Biden 'Our Man in Ukraine'? - 3/22/24 by Monica Showalter March 22, 2024 by Monica Showalter Unlike the merry spy in the fictional Graham Greene novel, the point man may have been the dissolute Hunter Biden and his lies were not directed at London, but at the American voter. More
The suspect who smashed Kaylee Gain’s head into the pavement claims she’s the victim - 3/22/24 by Andrea Widburg March 22, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Once upon a time, society had rules of combat for non-life-and-death situations. Without them, there are no limits on the lengths people can and will go. More
About those innocent Palestinian civilians... - 3/22/24 by Robert Arvay March 22, 2024 by Robert Arvay There may be fewer than you think. More
The GOP seems to be on the verge of capitulating before the Democrats, again! - 3/22/24 by Rajan Laad March 22, 2024 by Rajan Laad It’s the same old (spending) song and dance, broken down into a series of political theater acts. More
Biden and the insurmountable - 3/22/24 by Richard Berkowitz March 22, 2024 by Richard Berkowitz How can the Democrats expect this guy to get re-elected? More
Universe twice as old as we’ve been told? - 3/22/24 by Eric Utter March 22, 2024 by Eric Utter So the science isn't settled, is it? More
Ketanji Brown Jackson is a fascist who should be removed from the Court - 3/22/24 by M. Walter March 22, 2024 by M. Walter After taking the week to calm down, I’ve broken Jackson’s “hamstringing the government” monologue into seven revelatory doozies worth analyzing. More
Can Letitia James handle the rough world of property management? - 3/22/24 by J.H. Capron March 22, 2024 by J.H. Capron Persecuting Donald Trump so aggressively could have some unforeseen consequences. More
It’s time to stop accommodating the crazies in America - 3/22/24 by Allan J. Feifer March 22, 2024 by Allan J. Feifer If our country is to survive, it needs to have its culture and politics controlled by the vast, normal middle, not by the screaming fringes. More
The value of perspective - 3/22/24 by Bob Kingsley March 22, 2024 by Bob Kingsley Human beings are programmed to perceive their surroundings; a natural guidance system necessary for operating in an ever-changing environment.   More
And then they voted Democrat in November - 3/22/24 by Silvio Canto, Jr. March 22, 2024 by Silvio Canto, Jr. Biden's cancellation of student debt is nothing but a flailing president's big pander for votes. More
Trump towers in his mastery of words to rally voters - 3/21/24 by Bucky Fox March 21, 2024 by Bucky Fox Trump's mastery of language and its turns of phrase is part of his growing appeal. More
Planet Fitness loses $400 million in value after banning woman who exposed the company’s anti-female stance - 3/21/24 by Olivia Murray March 21, 2024 by Olivia Murray The gym has a “Lunk Alarm” to make sure the men aren’t “intimidating” women while lifting—but when it comes to shaving their manly body parts in front of little girls? All bets are off. More
Schadenfreude: New movie labeling white people ‘dangerous animals’ flops at box office - 3/21/24 by Olivia Murray March 21, 2024 by Olivia Murray The film barely squeaked by the $1 million mark for its opening weekend. More
Why are American youths so unhappy? - 3/21/24 by Noel S. Williams March 21, 2024 by Noel S. Williams At least that’s what a new Gallup survey is causing people to ask. Maybe it’s that they love socialism so much. More
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Antisemitism in the Guise of Humanism Alex Gordon Antisemitism in any of its ever-changing forms is a bellwether for the presence of evil in humanity.  More
Escaping the State of Sin Monroe Wesson Why do some people find it so hard to accept their choices are sins? More

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American Thinker Blog

So was Hunter Biden 'Our Man in Ukraine'? - 3/22/24 by Monica Showalter March 22, 2024 by Monica Showalter Unlike the merry spy in the fictional Graham Greene novel, the point man may have been the dissolute Hunter Biden and his lies were not directed at London, but at the American voter. More
The suspect who smashed Kaylee Gain’s head into the pavement claims she’s the victim - 3/22/24 by Andrea Widburg March 22, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Once upon a time, society had rules of combat for non-life-and-death situations. Without them, there are no limits on the lengths people can and will go. More
About those innocent Palestinian civilians... - 3/22/24 by Robert Arvay March 22, 2024 by Robert Arvay There may be fewer than you think. More
The GOP seems to be on the verge of capitulating before the Democrats, again! - 3/22/24 by Rajan Laad March 22, 2024 by Rajan Laad It’s the same old (spending) song and dance, broken down into a series of political theater acts. More
Biden and the insurmountable - 3/22/24 by Richard Berkowitz March 22, 2024 by Richard Berkowitz How can the Democrats expect this guy to get re-elected? More
Universe twice as old as we’ve been told? - 3/22/24 by Eric Utter March 22, 2024 by Eric Utter So the science isn't settled, is it? More
Ketanji Brown Jackson is a fascist who should be removed from the Court - 3/22/24 by M. Walter March 22, 2024 by M. Walter After taking the week to calm down, I’ve broken Jackson’s “hamstringing the government” monologue into seven revelatory doozies worth analyzing. More
Can Letitia James handle the rough world of property management? - 3/22/24 by J.H. Capron March 22, 2024 by J.H. Capron Persecuting Donald Trump so aggressively could have some unforeseen consequences. More
It’s time to stop accommodating the crazies in America - 3/22/24 by Allan J. Feifer March 22, 2024 by Allan J. Feifer If our country is to survive, it needs to have its culture and politics controlled by the vast, normal middle, not by the screaming fringes. More
The value of perspective - 3/22/24 by Bob Kingsley March 22, 2024 by Bob Kingsley Human beings are programmed to perceive their surroundings; a natural guidance system necessary for operating in an ever-changing environment.   More
And then they voted Democrat in November - 3/22/24 by Silvio Canto, Jr. March 22, 2024 by Silvio Canto, Jr. Biden's cancellation of student debt is nothing but a flailing president's big pander for votes. More
Trump towers in his mastery of words to rally voters - 3/21/24 by Bucky Fox March 21, 2024 by Bucky Fox Trump's mastery of language and its turns of phrase is part of his growing appeal. More
Planet Fitness loses $400 million in value after banning woman who exposed the company’s anti-female stance - 3/21/24 by Olivia Murray March 21, 2024 by Olivia Murray The gym has a “Lunk Alarm” to make sure the men aren’t “intimidating” women while lifting—but when it comes to shaving their manly body parts in front of little girls? All bets are off. More
Schadenfreude: New movie labeling white people ‘dangerous animals’ flops at box office - 3/21/24 by Olivia Murray March 21, 2024 by Olivia Murray The film barely squeaked by the $1 million mark for its opening weekend. More
Why are American youths so unhappy? - 3/21/24 by Noel S. Williams March 21, 2024 by Noel S. Williams At least that’s what a new Gallup survey is causing people to ask. Maybe it’s that they love socialism so much. More
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