A feminist triumph


We are counting the hours, waiting for NOW and other feminnazi leaders to hail the latest milestone in feminine achievement. According to CNN:

Just weeks after a high—profile debate about the role of women in the military, the Air Force is putting a woman in one of its most prestigious and high—profile jobs. Capt. Nicole Malachowski has been named the first woman pilot in the Air Force's world—famous Thunderbirds demonstration squadron.

"Women have been an integral part of the Thunderbird team for decades," Malachowski said in an Air Force press release sent out Thursday. "The women of yesterday and today's Air Force maintain a tradition of excellence, and it is that heritage that has given me this exciting responsibility of being the first female Thunderbird pilot."

Our sincere congratulations to Capt. Malachowski. She is quite obviously a superbly—skilled warrior, for whose service to our contry we are grateful. She has a dangerous and demanding job, and has risen to the top of her profession.

We hope the feminists will also see it that way. But we are not holding our breath.

Hat tip: Dennis Sevakis

Thomas Lifson   6 17 05