Another UN scandal comes to light


Kofi Annan used the services of a leading international public relations firm on a pro bono basis. However, this same firm would bring in clients to the UN and UN meetings who would then get contracts for services which easily could have been done in house, as reported today in the New York Sun.
The United Nations says it is reviewing its use of "pro bono" services after a former U.N. official expressed concerns about the role of David Finn, the chairman of a New York—based international public relations firm, Ruder Finn, in advising Secretary—General Annan.

The firm and Mr. Finn provide free advice to the U.N., but also do some paid work for both the U.N. and member states, according to officials of the U.N. and of the firm. The Ruder Finn Web site lists the governments of Kazakhstan, Russia, and Israel as among the firm's present or former clients. It also lists as present or former clients Indonesia's state—owned oil company and companies in industries such as air travel and pharmaceuticals, which could be affected by U.N. actions.

Further, Kofi asked the PR firm to give guidance to his nephew — who then became a paid "adviser" to the firm. In turn, the daughter of one of the firm's founders became a paid contractor to the UN Development program.
Ed Lasky  3 9 05