

Spain's second largest city puts out lies about Guantanamo and Israel in its schools. A teachers' training manual in Barcelona compares the Holocaust to Israel's security barrier in the West Bank; Israel demands the manual be removed from shelves

JERUSALEM — Officials expressed outrage over the weekend that the City of Barcelona would publish a teachers' training manual comparing the wall of shame Israel is building in Palestine to concentration camps.

The manual was published last week and serves as a guide for high school teachers talking about the Holocaust. The specific comparison is found in the chapter dealing the imprisonment of Spanish Republicans. 

"The concentration camps can be compared to two other historical events: The wall of shame Israel is building in Palestine and the (American) detention camp in Guantanamo," the manual goes. 

According to Israeli diplomatic officials in Spain, the murder of six million Jews is only mentioned in passing.

Clarice Feldman   5 22 05