BBC backs down from absurd claims


We know that the BBC reads The American Thinker, because we have received email from them about our reporting on their misdeeds. After we mocked their report that 94% of casualties in Falluja were comprised of women and children, the BBC went and changed the web page in question, eliminating the absurd contention that only 6 % of casualties were comprised of potential combatants.

With no acknowldgement of the correction, we might add. Too embarrassing, we suppose.

Posted by Thomas  04 15 04

Reader James Sloan emails us:

It would appear that the BBC is engaging in a practice similar to one known in the sci—fi world as retconning, or retroactive continuity. If the past and the present conflict, rewrite the past in such a way as to downplay the idea that there ever was a conflict.

That should give more explanation if you're curious.

I'm glad to see that your work is having a positive effect.

We appreciate learning the new word "retcon" and expect we may have use for it in the future.