Bloggers hold the nail, WaPo swings the hammer


The Washington Post jumps all over Rathergate this morning, with a stroy headlining the non—authentication of CBS's Killian memos by the very expert CBS cited, Marcel Matley.

Even worse, from Rather's standpoint, the Post examines critically CBS's latest arguments for legitimacy, and finds them wanting:

In its broadcast last night, CBS News produced a new expert, Bill Glennon, an information technology consultant. He said that IBM electric typewriters in use in 1972 could produce superscripts and proportional spacing similar to those used in the disputed documents.

Any argument to the contrary is "an out—and—out lie," Glennon said in a telephone interview. But Glennon said he is not a document expert, could not vouch for the memos' authenticity and only examined them online because CBS did not give him copies when asked to visit the network's offices.

Thomas Phinney, program manager for fonts for the Adobe company in Seattle, which helped to develop the modern Times New Roman font, disputed Glennon's statement to CBS. He said "fairly extensive testing" had convinced him that the fonts and formatting used in the CBS documents could not have been produced by the most sophisticated IBM typewriters in use in 1972, including the Selectric and the Executive. He said the two systems used fonts of different widths.

Hat tip: Virgina

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