blood feast update


Hamseh Kianfar, accused of being an accessory after the fact in the Berkeley blood feast attack, is now claiming seemingly contradictory excuses for driving away from the scene with the attacker and failing to report the incident to the police.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Kianfar witnessed her 16 year old friend or client (or whatever — the relationship itself is under investigation, and county social workers are forbidden from associating with juvenile charges outside of an institutional setting) slash an elderly woman's throat to the bone, and then drove her away in her Mazda Miata convertible (not a BMW as previously reported).

Her justification for helping a vicious attacker escape the scene of her crime?

Kianfar said she was "confused because the incident was traumatic and her memory was disorganized," the report said.

However, the article also reports:

"She thought nothing had happened to the couple."

Given that a throat was slashed to the bone, this sounds like poppycock. But credit it at face value, and then you are left with the question of why she was traumatized if she thought nothing had happened.

Kianfar had previously given police contradictory stories about how she happened to be in the company of the 16 year old mentally—troubled girl.

Hamaseh is going to have to get her story straight. I'd like to hear what the final, revised and exptended version is.

Thomas Lifson   4 9 05