Bolton and his predecessor


Supposedly chastened by the Left, 'bad boy' John Bolton was welcomed to the U.N. by Kofi Annan this week.  Bolton told Annan that he was 'glad to be here.'  He also met with his new staff.  Did you know that they were 'nervous'?  This is how the Boston Globe reported it:

Just hours later Monday Bolton was in New York to meet staff at the US mission to the United Nations. One participant reported that he ''said all the right things" to the nervous staff, aware of allegations that he mistreated subordinates.

How does one stack up those 'allegations' with the Clinton administrations actual handling of the personnel in the White House Travel Office?  The Clinton's fired the all members of that office and had its head, Billy Dale, hauled into court as a criminal.

Bolton essentially succeeds John Negroponte.  Negroponte, now U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, served in the U.N. post from 2001—2004.  Do you wonder what the Left thought of Negroponte?  According to the New York Times, Negroponte carried out

'the covert strategy of the Reagan administration to crush the Sandinistas government in Nicaragua.'

The Sandinistas, of course, were communists and favorites of Democrats, including John Kerry and Tom Harkin. That pair flew down to Nicaragua in the eighties to bestow sainthood on Daniel Ortega, the thug in charge.  With Carter out and Reagan in, Ortega needed all the support he could get.  It didn't help, though.

Negroponte, by the way, also supposedly covered up human right abuses in Honduras. The Left should be celebrating the arrival of John Bolton.

J. James Estrada    8 03 05