Canadian blogosphere


I have been neglecting my Canadian friends of late. Long—time readers know that I have a deep regard, bordering on outright love, for our neighbor to the north, despite the recent tensions between our countries. I have been following the incredible Canadian political scene largely through Captain's Quarters, the wonderful Minnesota—based blog, which scooped all of Canada on hearings into the crimes of the Liberal Party, thanks to draconian Canadian censorship laws.

If you haven't been following Canadian news, they are in the midst of some very interesting politics right now. Give a look sometime.

Canadian conservatives are a hearty, intelligent, and spunky lot — much like the conservatives one finds here in the SF Bay Area. I try to visit the Calgary Sun website because their columnists are so very sensible, and their editor is a genius. I also check out the very funny and idiosayncratic Small Dead Animals website because I really like the art and the prose of its propriotor, Kate, who sells cutom—painted motorcycle helmets that are genuine worlks of art.

I was very happy today to find another high quality Canadian website worth bookmarking. Proud to be Canadian has some great writers. Take this article from Salim Masur as an example. You don't have to be Canadian to benefit from material like this.

Check it out.

Thomas Lifson   5 22 05