
This week's CENTCOM Report highlights combat operations around Iraq.  Action in Tall Afar is important in stopping Syrian support of terrorists in the fledgling democracy.  As many AT readers know, the Horn of Africa is critical to prevent further expansion of terrorist regimes in the Central Region.  Therefore, Coalition forces in Djibouti continue to provide humanitarian aid and security in the area.

We are fighting an enemy in Iraq and a network of terrorist organizations in the Global War On Terror that uses violence against civilians as well as information operations as methods to advance their goals.  The recent attacks in Baghdad and associated web—postings are simply another effort to stave off political progress in Iraq.  Readers are encouraged to go to a feature entitled What Extremists Are Saying to understand the true nature of our enemies.

Mosul terrorists captured

BAGHDAD, Iraq —— Acting on intelligence sources and tips from concerned citizens, Multi—National Forces recently raided suspected terrorist safe houses in the Mosul area, resulting in the capture of three Al—Qaida in Iraq terrorist leaders.

Abdallah Najim Muhammad Husayn (aka Abu Nijim or Abu Muhammad) was captured Aug 26. Muhammad was a terrorist battalion commander for Al—Qaida in Iraq in Mosul.  He planned, coordinated and financed terrorist attacks against Iraqi Security and Coalition Forces in the Mosul area.  The methods of these attacks and ambushes included the use of vehicle borne improvised explosive devices, improvised explosive devices and mortars.

Operation Restoring Rights continues in Tall Afar

TALL AFAR, Iraq — In the last 24 hours, the Iraqi Army's 3rd Division and U.S. Army's 3rd Armored Calvary Regiment have continued Operation Restoring Rights in Tall Afar. The objectives are remaining pockets of terrorist resistance in the area.

That phase of the operation has resulted in the deaths of several terrorists, capture of 79 suspected terrorists, and the discovery of nine weapon caches. Since the operation began, there have been dozens of terrorists killed, 341 detained and 22 weapons caches found.

'Their goal is to deny Iraqi citizens the right to choose their future, vote on the constitution referendum and hold democratic elections. The solidarity between national, provincial, local leaders and the predominant use of Iraqi security forces show they are committed to protecting their citizens and driving Al Qaida from Iraq," said Col. Brian Stephenson, chief of operations for Multi—national Corps — Iraq.

Coalition forces detain known terrorist in Haditha

Baghdad, Iraq —— Coalition Forces captured a known terrorist during a raid in Haditha Sept. 13 at approximately 2:30 a.m.  The terrorist, known to have connections with senior leaders of al—Qaida in Iraq, was captured at a safe house without incident.

Marines Adopt the Children of Djibouti
By SPC Garth Gehlen, 304th MPAD

Djibouti City, Djibouti— When a handful of Marines show up at a school in this African city equipped with tools, paintbrushes and building materials, their mission is clear: help the children .

Service members stationed in Djibouti as part of the Combined Joint Task Force—Horn of Africa routinely take part in community outreach programs to help the local citizens.  Their endeavors often involve schools and orphanages, but they help improve other aspects of Djiboutian life as well.  Many volunteers work during their free time, and it can be a very rewarding experience.

"I had never done humanitarian work before," said Lance Cpl. Justin Kuhnhausen, a Marine with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit.  "I wanted to see what it would be like to go out and make a difference and help people who are less fortunate than myself.  It was an experience I'll never forget."

September 18, 2005