Dem pols find a religion they can like


It is Scientology. A New York Post editorial traces the links between city funding for a Scientology—based center for "the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project" and massive campaign donations by Scientology members to politicians sponsoring New York City grants of taxpayer funds to the Scientology—based operation.

It all makes for the appearance of quid—pro—quo, but proving it in court would be another matter entirely. It may well be that there is no case.

Much more interesting than the local pols who scoop up Scientology donations are the big fish who support the project: Senator Charles Schumer and Rep. Charles Rangel.

Senator Schumer is already notorious for his excessive curiousity about the "deep personal beliefs" of a Catholic nominee for the Supreme Court. I wonder how curious he is about the deep personal beliefs of Scientologists?

Hat tip and headline credit: Ed Lasky

Thomas Lifson    8 1 05