Democrats were right about vote fraud


Hey all you Democrats complaining about vote fraud in last November's election:  you were right!  Just read about the federal jury conviction right here in Illinois, home of the city of Chicago where even the dead vote early and vote often, although this occurred in the small town of E. St. Louis, just across the Mississippi River from, of course, St. Louis.—nws—stlouis30.html

EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill. —— A federal jury Wednesday convicted the head of this city's Democratic Party and four others of scheming to buy votes with cash, cigarettes and liquor last November to try to get key Democrats elected.

O—o—oh  Howard Dean, are you going to roar that famous scream and demand, just demand a recount?  What about you Rev. Jesse Jackson?

No, huh?  I thought so.

Ethel C. Fenig   6 30 05

Jurors in the monthlong trial deliberated more than five hours before convicting local Democratic Party chairman Charles Powell Jr., 61, and Kelvin Ellis, 55, the city's former director of regulatory affairs, of felony conspiracy to commit vote fraud. Also convicted were Democratic precinct committee members Sheila Thomas, 31, and Jesse Lewis, 56, and City Hall worker Yvette Johnson, 46.

Ellis, Thomas, Lewis and Johnson also were convicted of one count apiece of election fraud for allegedly paying at least one person to vote —— or offering to do so. Powell was never charged with that count.

Jurors set aside defense claims that the government's case was flimsy because of unreliable witnesses whose testimony often contradicted each other and, at times, was recanted.