Facts are not important, only victory


The New York Times runs a  book review column by Charles Kupchan, who has previously written an anti—Bush book The End of the American Era: US Foreign Policy and the Geopolitics of the 21st Century.

He reviews two books, War and the American Presidency and The Folly of Empire: What George W. Bush Can Learn From Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. These two authors and their books also share Kupchan's anti—Bush animus. He notes that they have a rushed feel about them, as if geared towards the upcoming elections, containing cursory analysis and unsubstantiated claims. Nonetheless, he finds

"both volumes constitute valuable appraisals of the Bush presidency."

He finds no problem with non—fiction books containing unsubstantiated claims (many of us out here in the hinterlands may consider these old—fashioned lies).

In the age of Rathergate, this book reviewer seems to consider facts and truth dispensable inconveniences, as long as the purpose is to defeat George Bush (and elect John Kerry — see Kerry apologist and fabricator  Doug Brinkley).

This is from the self—proclaimed "paper of record"?

Compare the New York Times review to a review by similar anti—Bush book in today's Wall Street Journal [subscription required], where the reviewer finds fault with books being used as agitprop, regardless of the facts.

Ed Lasky  9 24 04