Get ready for the Kingdom of Heaven


No, we don't mean "repent now!" We mean get set for the Friday opening of Sir Ridley Scott's new epic $150 million film, The Kingdom of Heaven.

According to accounts by those who have seen the film (I haven't) and publicity material, the film whitewashes and outright lies about the history of the Crusades, its subject matter. Muslims were the good guys, and the nasty Christians spoiled the nightly singing of kumbaya around the campfire, roughly condenseing what we've learned so far.

Robert Spencer offers a preliminary warning about the forthcoming propaganda orgy, on Front Page Magazine. Read it here.

Later this week, as the opening of the movie approaches, we will be publishing a lengthy article by Dr. Andrew Bostom, showing how the Islamic expansionist jihad led to the Crusades as a response. This will contain the evidence you need to refute the politically correct historical revisionism of the latest box office abomination.

Thomas Lifson   5 03 05