Hall of fame


Captain's Quarters, a very fine website, has earned a new distinction: banned in Canada. For reporting on testimony revealing the corruption of the Liberal Party government. Canadian websites linking to Captain Ed's web page are now threatened with prosecution.

Glenn Reynolds reports that international law (via the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights) holds:

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

So we are starting a human rights advocate watch, to monitor the performance of human rights groups, in protesting the abominable violation of basic human rights by the Ottawa government. But we aren't going to hold our breath.

Readers finding protests of the brutal unilateral censorship and human rights violations of the Canadian government are asked to send them, along with URLs,  to postmaster@AmericanThinker.com.

Thomas Lifson  4 4 05