Hezbollah is Beginning to reap what it sowed


The stupidity of aligning itself with Syria in Lebanon is starting to be evident:
The European Parliament branded Lebanon's Hezbollah movement a "terrorist" group on Thursday and urged European Union ministers to take action against the organization.
"Parliament considers that clear evidence exists of terrorist activities by Hezbollah. The [EU] Council should take all necessary steps to curtail them," a non—binding resolution adopted by a big majority said.
The resolution, which also renewed a call for Syria to withdraw its troops and intelligence services from Lebanon, was adopted by 473 votes to eight with 33 abstentions.
The EU is under pressure from the United States and Israel to add the Iranian—backed Hezbollah to its list of outlawed terrorist organizations, obliging member states to seize its assets and take action against its members.
But several EU governments, concerned about upsetting delicate Middle East negotiations, have so far been reluctant, including France, Spain and Britain.
Clarice Feldman  3 10 05