Jumping the gun, if not the shark


The stories of Justice Rhenquist's demise or retirement were definitely exaggerated yesterday. The Washington Post and other newspapers are defintely facing pressures from the new media to be the first with the news but this was a little overzealous. CNET reports

WashingtonPost.com jumps gun on Rehnquist fate

Amid speculation about a possible vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court, The Washington Post apparently jumped the gun. A screenshot from the newspaper's Bloglines newsfeeds service captured by blogger Jason Kottke shows headlines and lead paragraphs of four stories about William Rehnquist, including one titled "Chief Justice Rehnquist Retires/Dies." The items are no longer on the Bloglines site, and WashingtonPost.com spokesman Eric Easter said the problem was due to "a publishing glitch."

"Clearly it was part of a package that is being prepared, like all newsrooms do," he said. "It was just a potential headline, just in case. It got out on the feed unfortunately."

Ed Lasky   6 24 05