Let the ranting and raving begin


President George Bush exercised his presidential prerogative and bypassing the Senate by appointing his candidate, John Bolton, as US representative to the UN as a recess appointment. 

Predictably the Senate rantings have begun.  A revealing sample——mainly from Democrat stalwarts. 
Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid of Nevada said Bolton was a "seriously flawed and weakened candidate." He charged that Bush "chose to stonewall the Senate" by using a recess appointment.
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D—Mass.), sharply criticized the move.

"It's a devious maneuver that evades the constitutional requirement of Senate consent and only further darkens the cloud over Mr. Bolton's credibility at the U.N," Kennedy said."

Sen. Christopher Dodd  of Connecticut, a senior Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said, "The president has done a real disservice to our nation by appointing an individual who lacks to the credibility to further U.S. interests at the United Nations."

"There's just too much unanswered about Bolton, and I think the president would make a truly serious mistake if he makes a recess appointment," Sen. Joseph Biden  of Delaware, the top Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee, said in an interview.

Providing  bipartisan dissent

Republican Sen. George Voinovich  of Ohio also said he was disappointed.

"I am truly concerned that a recess appointment will only add to John Bolton's baggage and his lack of credibility with the United Nations," Voinovich said.

Such criticism from such critics merely proves Bush made an excellent choice. Their basic objection, of course, is that Bolton  doesn't revere the UN, boldly stating the unstatable——nobody would notice if a few floors were lopped off the UN headquarters. Again, this proves he's highly qualified to be the US ambassador to the UN. Forthcoming US sessions should be quite productive.
Ethel C. Fenig   8 01 05