Manufactured outrage?


I would like to comment on the Chicago Tribune article featured today, partially crediting American Thinker with the backlash against Dick Durban. There were two paragraphs that particularly struck me:

Peter Daou, who compiles blogs from both the right and the left and summarizes what they're talking about for, said the effect of so much chatter eventually can become overpowering, seeping into the mainstream media.

"What Durbin faced was the bubbling up from the blogs and the pounding of the drums," said Daou, who first began monitoring the bloggers and feeding them information when he worked for Sen. John Kerry's presidential campaign. "This is a political tool, and it's manufactured outrage, it's feigned outrage, and it's extremely effective."

Manufactured outrage? I'm sure service men and women and their families who served and serve in our nations many wars, including the current one, and who served and serve away from a battlefront did not manufacture or fake their outrage at Dick Durban's remarks. I know I, whose father was a Polish soldier and prisoner of war at the hands of the Nazis and whose mother was in Auchwitz, didn't artificially manufacture my outrage either as I called Durban's Chicago and Springfield offices. By the way, after the so—called apology, Durban's Chicago office was essentially not taking calls, as I tried to reach them, hanging up after around 10 unanswered rings.
The Democrats are totally out touch with both history, love of country and the life experiences of everyday voters across the US. They really believe the world began in 1969 with "Nixon's War," having completely forgotten about the 1968 Dump Johnson movement lead by Democrat Alard Lowenstein that lead to Johnson's refusal to run again after just barely winning the New Hampshire primary. I am waiting for some Democrat to tell me that Sec. of Defense McNamara was put in office by Pres. Nixon.
Jack Kemp (not the former politician)    6 23 05