Maryland Democrats' dirty tricks


Threatened by a black Republican, Maryland Dems engage in some black—bag type of operations to break the law and get a credit report on prospective Senate candidate Michael Steele.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee said Tuesday that two of its employees obtained the credit report of Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, a potential Republican challenger next year for the Senate seat being vacated by Democrat Paul Sarbanes.

Phil Singer, spokesman for the committee, said in a statement issued in Washington that the two employees have resigned. He said the credit report was not used or disseminated to anyone, and the incident was reported to the U.S. attorney's office.

"While the DSCC did not authorize the employees to access Mr. Steele's credit report, we regret that this incident occurred and apologize to Mr. Steele," the statement said.

Hat tip: Captains Quarters

Ed Lasky   9 21 05