Media prejudice


Matt Towery, writing on, exposes yet another aspect of media prejudice and narcisism:

 Wednesday's declaration by the mayor of New Orleans that "thousands may be dead" —— whether confirmed or not at the time —— should have justified an end to regular TV network programming.

 It wasn't to be. One of my own local network affiliates —— like most others around the nation —— kept airing "General Hospital" via the network feed.

 You can bet that if New York City were underwater, and thousands were presumed dead with countless others' lives still hanging in the balance, these same networks would have suspended regular programming to cover every developing second of the disaster's unfolding events.

 These effete national executives just can't get a handle on the South, be it our politics —— especially in predicting our elections —— or our economic significance. They are always a day late and a dollar short.

 They think we're racists, when in fact the greatest peaceful mixing of races in the nation —— and maybe the world —— occurs in the South every day.

He may be right about the broadcast networks, though I think the rise of cable news has let them off the hook for such coverage. But if Manhattan were in similar chaos, I have no doubt that General Hospital addicts would have to make do with Manhattan street scenes.  

The South will rise again from the devastation of Katrina, as it has from the War between the States. And it will be better than ever. Certainly better than those who look down upon fair Dixie.

Hat tip: Jack Kemp

Thomas Lifson   9 01 05