No hurray for Hollywood


One person, one vote is enshrined in our democratic hearts and minds.  But not in the heart of Hollywood apparently.  Oh entertainment types may gnash their teeth at the thought of the denizens of flyover country Ohio deprived of the vote because the results didn't suit a Hollywood style ending.  And of course Hollywood approved Senator Barbara Boxer (D—CA) will shed a tear or two over Ohio. 
But when the issue is voting that counts——voting for one of the many entertainment "awards"——anything goes.  Will Eliot Spizter or the SEC or even one of the entertainment industry's self monitoring groups question the methods and the outcome of the "People's Choice" Awards?  Don't count on it.
And fans, the real People's Choice, will remember as they join an increasing number who do not watch the Academy Awards. 

Ethel C. Fenig   1 09 05