Peggy does DC


Be sure not to miss Peggy Noonan's column "Mr. Narcissus goes to Washington" in today's Opinion Journal. Laudable use of her soapbox to state the obvious. If naught for purpose other than to let our fearless Senators know they are not fooling all of us — anytime.
However, one question does immediately come to mind regarding the upcoming A&E McCain biopic Ms. Noonan mentions. That is, who ultimately financed the project? And I'm sure the timing is totally coincidental.
I have the greatest admiration for Mr. McCain as a war hero and former POW. That experience and his noble endurance of it has anointed him with celebrity as well as given him the respect and admiration of his countrymen. But it does not imbue him with unquestionable statesmanship and political wisdom. Let not the cult of personality blind us. After all, politics isn't, or rather shouldn't be, "American Idol."

Dennis Sevakis   5 26 05