Poor old Brooklyn College


Dear American Thinker,

I see that Lisa Jarnot, who is an assistant professor in the Department of Creative Writing at Brooklyn College, is miffed about an essay you published that describes Ammiel Alcalay as a leftist poet.  Prof. Jarnor says that she "often teaches English courses that include a survey of current political events, including the ongoing crisis in Palestine."

I've never heard of Ammiel Alcalay, but I'm a graduate of Brooklyn College.  In my day, students who wanted "a survey of current political events" signed up for courses in the Political Science department. Professors of creative writing were paid to teach —— writing.

Sounds to me like the good professor is wasting her students' time —— and the taxpayers' money.

Herb Meyer

[Editor's note: Mr. Meyer is the co—author of the book How to Write, which has sold over 100,000 copies]