Scandalous scandal editorial at the WaPo


This Washington Post editorial seems to place blame on American and other companies for the UN Oil—for—Food Scandal, revealing an anti—corporate bias. The editorial seems to ignore the role that certain foriegn nations played in the scandal, including France and Russia.

The outrage continues as the editorial calls for MORE funding to the UN, since it blames a lack of funding and resources for the failures of the UN — not just in the scandal but in Kosovo and other places in the world where the UN has shown itself a failed institution.

The UN has sufficient resources to fulfill its resposnibilities—what it does not have is competent and honest people working there or a neutral and objective overseer. The press should also look at itself: while they may not have had the ability to uncover the oil—for—food scandal they certainly have had the ability to publicize the mistakes and biases that have corrupted the UN. What it should not be calling for is expanding the powers and scope of the UN.

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