Showing ID


Reader Smith Kinney, of Golden Valley, Minnesota writes us with some thoughts worth sharing:

On the doorstep of the election I have a question:

When did having to prove your identity with a photo ID become discrimination or racial intimidation. Why is having to prove you are who you say you are a violation of your voting rights? You have to show a photo ID to board a plane, cash a check, get a job, buy a beer or sign up for a government assistance program. 

If you don't have at least a photo ID you scare me. That tells me your either not here legally, hiding from someone or something or just to lazy to go down and get an ID. Whatever your reason is, there is no excuse not to have some type of an ID.

How are you getting around? Driving? Not without a license I hope.
How did you register at your job to pay State & Fed. Taxes and sign up for social security? My employers have always asked for a photo ID.

How did you open a bank account?

If you don't have a bank account,  then how do you cash your checks without an ID?

How do you go to the doctor? You have to show ID to get treated at any hospital.

If someone says that they have no photo ID then I don't trust that person.

I believe all voters should have to show a photo ID before they are allowed to enter the booth and cast their ballot. Is this really too much to ask?????? We have set up our election process to scrutiny and to be easily manipulated. This would at least add some continuity county by county, state by state. Face it, if something can be manipulated in an election to help either candidate, it will be.