

Seems my suggestion about New Jersey and Kelo was on the mark:

The U.S. Supreme Court, in a ruling watched closely in New Jersey, on Thursday upheld a Connecticut city's right to seize homes and other properties solely for economic development.

The 5—4 decision is likely to make it easier for dozens of North Jersey towns to use eminent domain condemnations in similar ways, supporters and opponents of the decision agreed.

"Englewood, Ridgefield, Passaic — many towns have been adopting plans in the past several years based on economic redevelopment, and I believe this means that it's now full—steam ahead," said Bruce Rosenberg, a land—use attorney for the Hackensack—based law firm of Winne, Banta, Hetherington, Basralian & Kahn.

Fair—housing groups and potentially displaced tenants were among those who railed against the court's refusal, in the Kelo v. New London case, to reverse decades of broadening use of eminent domain, which at one time restricted the taking of property to such public benefits as highways and bridges.

Clarice Feldman   6 24 05