The NYT is slipping - evdience mounts


An international survey which has in previous years ranked the New York Times number one among the great newspapers of the world has slapped it all the way down to sixth place this year. Editor & Publisher doesn't exactly overhwelm us with details in its account:

The Financial Times topped a list of the world's best newspapers based on a survey, conducted by a Swiss—based consultant, of 1,000 executives, politicians, university lecturers, journalists, and advertising professionals in 50 countries. The New York Times slipped from first in 2003 to sixth in the survey, according to Reuters. It was the only U.S. paper to make the Top 10.

Almost 20% chose the Financial Times as the best paper, according to Internationale Medienhilfe. The Wall Street Journal took second place with 17%, followed by Germany's Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

"The results show that the New York Times is suffering because of past scandals, while German—language publications remain highly respected internationally," Internationale Medienhilfe said in a statement.

Asahi Shimbun of Japan and Italy's Corriere della Sera appeared in the top 10 for the first time, in eighth and 10th places, respectively.

This has got to be hurting the tender egos over at the Times.They live and breathe international prestige.

Way to pee away your patrimony, Pinchie!

Hat tip: Joe Crowley

Thomas Lifson   7 5 05