The NYT's campaign against soldiers


The New York Times continues its shameful campaign to discredit soldiers as society's losers, who join the military because they have no other options. Here, it dishonors a soldier — even after he dies.

To sign up for the North Dakota National Guard, Phil Sorenson drove seven hours to the Military Entrance Processing Station in Fargo. He remembered thinking, "Woo—hoo! College money!" as he took the physical, signed the papers and repeated the oath.

His brother Jeff had enlisted after disappointing jobs at Wal—Mart and Subway, and Sorenson was drawn by the $5,000 enlistment bonus, the $150 monthly training pay and the tuition assistance. [Right—blame it on Wal—Mart—Ed]

In Williston, where the median household income is less than $30,000, the money mattered.

As soon as Wentz heard from Sorenson what the Guard paid, he signed up, too....

Wentz was forever restless; he worked long shifts as a waiter and a cook to save money for football training and cars.

After high school, Wentz won a partial athletic scholarship to the University of Mary in Bismarck. As a freshman, he played linebacker in practice but never dressed for games. The next semester, he left because he did not want to pay for tuition if he was not going to play.

Have they no shame at the Times?  They think these young men are all mercanieries who have dropped out of college, cannot get a good job because Wal—Mart is an unfair employer, and just want to escape small—town life? A lot of condescending attitudes are on display here.

How about a little respect for the men and women who volunteer to defend their nation, even the risk of their own lives? Not to mention the risk of being sneered at by New York grandees.
Ed Lasky   7 4 05