The return of consequences


Perhaps the Old Testament—style destruction of an entire city can steady our nation. Not because New Orleans was lost. What matters is why it was lost.

We established ourselves precariously, well below water level in unstable land, and our labors — first gradually, then suddenly and unstoppably — came undone. It's a chance to grasp that grand indulgence brings catastrophe. Allow courts to break free from the Constitution and the rule of law will fail. Leave the borders open and we will lose America. Burn the social fabric and society will ignite. Retreat from our enemies and they will kill us.

Babylon always falls. The memory of Mardi Gras and the city's pleasure—seeking, Big Easy ways may join with this tragedy to gift 'New Orleans' to the national consciousness as a byword for the certain fruits of improvidence.

Lastango   9 01 05