US Army assists Border Patrol


In what many Americans will view as a positive development, US Northcom reports that the U.S. Army's 4th Squadron, 14th Cavalry Regiment, based at Fort Wainwright, Alaska is completing operations in the southern Luna and Hildago counties of New Mexico. As part of their 60—day mission, the Stryker reconnaissance squadron was supporting the US Customs and Border Patrol with surveillance assistance and other support.

The unit was deployed to help the Border Patrol to interdict the movement of 'transnational threats' to the Continental US.  The Northcom report explains exactly what these threats are:

Transnational threats are those activities conducted by individuals or groups that involve international terrorism, narcotics trafficking, weapons of mass destruction, and the delivery systems for such weapons that threatens the national security of the United States.

It appears that US military units are finally taking a more visible role along our borders, even though these support missions have been occurring for many years.  Incidentally, it was in this same area exactly five years ago that Mexican Army soldiers actually crossed the border into the US .  The incident culminated in a stand—off between the Mexican soldiers and the US Border Patrol.  Several shots were fired, and some of the Mexicans were held prisoner by the Border Patrol before they were allowed to return to home.

The Soldiers operate only in a support role and do not become involved in activities directly related to law enforcement.  In the past, units that were on border duty used their superior fire control optics, including thermal sights, and other reconnaissance assets to acquire and track illegal activity, and then handed the situation off to federal law enforcement for appropriate action.  Nevertheless, these units are well—prepared to handle any eventuality.  We can only hope to see more of these operations along our vulnerable borders.

Doug Hanson   03—16—05