Victimology at Business Week


Business Week has long followed a left wing editorial line, somewhat astonishing in a business periodical, but nonetheless self—evident to those who pay attention. More proof is found in an article which posits Indra Nooyi, the President and CFO of Pepsico to be a "victim" of the blogosphere. You see, the nasty bloggers, led by our estimable colleagues at Powerline, have publicized what Nooyi actually said to the graduating class at Columbia University's Business School, forcing poor Pepsico to issue an apology.

If you're not familiar with the speech and its obvious intent to insult the United States, read the article and consult Powerline.

I terminated my Business Week subscription many years ago. If you subscribe, so should you. Not that I ever drink Pepsi or eat much in the way of salty snack foods, but I am not exactly showering my patronage on Pepsi, either.

Hat tip:

Thomas Lifson  5 22 05