Weather report from hell: freezing weather


Haaretz reports:

[Isarel's] President Moshe Katsav, who was at the Vatican as part of Israel's delegation to the funeral of Pope John Paul II, twice shook hands with Syrian President Bashar Assad on Friday.

The two men were in close proximity to one another throughout the procession due to the fact that the Israel and Syrian delegations to the funeral were positioned next to one another.

At the conclusion of funeral services, the Iranian—born Katsav also shook hands with President Mohammed Khatami. The two spoke for almost an hour in Farsi.

Katsav also reportedly embraced Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

Also at the Vatican, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom met with his Moroccan counterpart Mohammed Ben—Iss.

Ed Lasky   4 8 05

Thomas Lifson adds:

His Holiness continues to work miracles. Perhaps the beatification examiners can consider this.