American Thinker Blog

June 30, 2018
Even Dems fear that 'abolish ICE' will re-elect Trump
June 30, 2018
Experts eye prospects for change in Iran at big Paris exile conference, with praise for Trump
June 30, 2018
Convinced she's Churchill, Hillary Clinton is ready for her comeback
June 30, 2018
Reporter resigns after falsely tweeting that Maryland shooter wore MAGA hat
June 30, 2018
Abolish ICE?
June 30, 2018
Jay-Z puts fatwa on George Zimmerman's head, media mum
June 30, 2018
Leaked Justice Department memo shows new sensible changes in asylum rules
June 30, 2018
Libs demand more than $20 an hour delivering packages
June 30, 2018
Ocasio-Cortez victory raises the question: How many anti-Semites will Democrats swallow?
June 30, 2018
Facebook's attack on conservative news only a partial success
June 30, 2018
Remember how hot it used to get before 'global warming'?
June 30, 2018
Republicans: Now is not the time to get complacent
June 30, 2018
Erase the Ingalls!
June 30, 2018
The old drumbeat of concern about 'torture' (and terrorist comfort) is getting a little louder
June 30, 2018
Big names turn up for 'Free Iran 2018' mega-event to raise international support
June 29, 2018
Soon-to-be-unemployed Jeff Flake shopping himself for a gig at MSNBC or CNN
June 29, 2018
Well, well, well ... ex-NYT editor notices how 'narcissistic' the Times has become
June 29, 2018
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A giant-killer with giant ambitions
June 29, 2018
How do you solve a problem like Rod Rosenstein?
June 29, 2018
Dem 2020 hopeful calls for the elimination of ICE
June 29, 2018
How about an up-and-down vote on abolishing ICE?
June 29, 2018
Far left versus far right: spot the fascists
June 29, 2018
After fundraiser cancellation, we learn the country-club set really, really, really, dislikes Trump
June 29, 2018
More than 600 arrested in healthcare fraud takedowns
June 29, 2018
Hilarious: Texas Republicans prank Dems at their state convention
June 29, 2018
NYT undercuts Mueller
June 29, 2018
Dem's false hope: Mueller finishes investigation before Senate confirms SCOTUS pick
June 29, 2018
Racism at Harvard: The war we fight against leftism
June 29, 2018
How even stupid people can overthrow governments
June 29, 2018
Winters in San Antonio ain't getting warmer
June 28, 2018
There is something 'fishy' about one of Trump's potential Supreme Court nominees
June 28, 2018
You know things are bad for the lefties when they start calling each other racists
June 28, 2018
Silent Obama sends a message
June 28, 2018
Poll: 59% believe the left will resort to violence
June 28, 2018
With the string of Supreme Court victories, will the NeverTrumps now apologize?
June 28, 2018
Are you living in a psychopath state? New research shows!
June 28, 2018
Kennedy out? Now the hard work begins
June 28, 2018
As Trump replaces Kennedy, time for some conservative judicial activism
June 28, 2018
We're seeing the violence of the '60s again...but worse
June 28, 2018
'Hotel California' and America's decomposing values
June 28, 2018
What's the meaning of truth?
June 28, 2018
The forces of political hate are waxing
June 28, 2018
AMLO promising like BO?
June 28, 2018
Maxine in Dunceland
June 28, 2018
Paul Ryan must step down from the speakership – now
June 27, 2018
Supreme Court hands devastating blow to unions that have funneled hundreds of millions of dollars into Democrat coffers
June 27, 2018
As the Dems go radical, Bill Clinton seems to see the danger of a red wave coming in November
June 27, 2018
For the left, 'Year of the Woman' is all about blocking, assaulting, and attacking them
June 27, 2018
Primary defeat of fourth-ranking House Democrat a portent of the radical left takeover of the Democratic Party
June 27, 2018
The Deep State's bait-and-switch on Hillary and the emails
June 27, 2018
US named one of the top ten 'most dangerous countries for women'
June 27, 2018
The good economic news keeps coming
June 27, 2018
Pure hate is on Maxine's side
June 27, 2018
Supreme Court strikes down California law that forced pro-life clinics to advertise abortion
June 27, 2018
Affirming President Trump's travel ban: Sanity prevails
June 27, 2018
Association health plans will create far more health care competition and choice
June 27, 2018
Ryan's political judgment
June 27, 2018
An update on surface-based temperature data
June 27, 2018
Keep Maxine talking
June 27, 2018
Harley-Davidson flap more about press's Trump-hate than economic reality
June 26, 2018
Democrats rushing toward an electoral cliff
June 26, 2018
'Filthy canopies' and 'mussed my hair': The Funny Trump is back
June 26, 2018
GOP introduces motion to censure Maxine Waters for inciting violence against Trump officials
June 26, 2018
Remembering Charles Krauthammer right
June 26, 2018
Mad Max and Nancy Pelosi: The twin faces of the Democratic Party
June 26, 2018
The specter of revolution haunts the mullahs in Tehran
June 26, 2018
Judge dismisses global warming lawsuits against oil companies by CA cities
June 26, 2018
Spain's socialist government reverses policy and refuses 'migrant' ship
June 26, 2018
AMLO will be Trump's foil
June 26, 2018
Give illegal immigration the Nork treatment
June 26, 2018
EU admits: Jihadist terrorism has cost economy hundreds of billions
June 26, 2018
Policy experts propose creepy population control solution for too many African babies
June 26, 2018
What don't people get about Trump being anti-establishment?
June 26, 2018
Put a sign on the door and let us know before we come in
June 26, 2018
Democrats: Be like Warren Buffett – support Israel
June 25, 2018
Ben Rhodes insults voters and then promises them More Obama
June 25, 2018
Democrats are just nuts trying to keep Trump off the 2020 ballot, but Trump could have fun with this
June 25, 2018
What to do when anti-Trump zealots cross the line into violence or even chargeable menacing
June 25, 2018
A few grown-ups on the left raise alarms about public harassment of Trump administration officials
June 25, 2018
Trump suggests ending due process for illegal aliens (or not) – a debate
June 25, 2018
New York Times pitches its honeytrap reporter Ali Watkins over the side
June 25, 2018
Maxine Waters, in spittle-flecked rant, urges intimidation and violence against Trump officials
June 25, 2018
New poll ranks Obama as the worst president since World War II -- correction
June 25, 2018
Sunday smackdowns from Twitter: The left did not fare well
June 25, 2018
Illegal alien kids are unhappy having to recite the Pledge of Allegiance
June 25, 2018
Oops! BDS-supporters use picture of Jewish refugees to illustrate plight of Palestinians on World Refugee Day
June 25, 2018
Obama's ethics chief criticizes Sarah Huckabee Sanders
June 25, 2018
What happens if Lopez-Obrador loses in Mexico?
June 25, 2018
Obama, Trump, and drone attacks
June 25, 2018
The sad state of journalism in the era of Trump Derangement Syndrome
June 24, 2018
Who is the liberal news conductor?
June 24, 2018
Red Hen bigotry, or 'moral conviction'?
June 24, 2018
Romney treads carefully in muting criticism of Trump before GOP primary
June 24, 2018
The New York Times tries hard to understand Trump voters
June 24, 2018
Time Magazine issues 'correction' for fake photo of Trump and child illegal
June 24, 2018
North Korea ditches anti-US propaganda
June 24, 2018
The bawl of the left
June 24, 2018
James Comey: American Ozymandias
June 24, 2018
Illegal invaders place children in harm's way
June 24, 2018
Combined military expenditures of China and Russia now exceed the United States
June 24, 2018
Mexico: Lopez-Obrador's bizarre statement
June 24, 2018
Descriptions of evil and their misuse
June 24, 2018
Whose child is crying?
June 23, 2018
Facing humiliation, Mueller backs away from prosecution of Russian entities
June 23, 2018
Buried in IG report, shocking revelations about Clinton emails found on Weiner's laptop
June 23, 2018
An instant classic: Strzok-Page text messages performed by actors on YouTube
June 23, 2018
Thirty years, and we're still waiting for global warming predictions to come true
June 23, 2018
Mexico's presidential frontrunner promises Mexicans a new goodie: Flight from his socialist rule
June 23, 2018
Run for the border: The Russia probe is over
June 23, 2018
Socialist Venezuela descends to death-squad regime, UN admits. Proud of yourself, Bernie?
June 23, 2018
The man likely to be the next president of Mexico just called for mass migration to the US
June 23, 2018
Why mainstream media hysteria is increasing
June 23, 2018
What's with Fox News, and why is it moving left?
June 23, 2018
The left drops the masks
June 23, 2018
Politico beclowns itself, revealing Trump adviser's messy third-grade desk and fascination with tape and glue
June 23, 2018
Maybe CNN wants its ratings back
June 23, 2018
The mainstream media's immigration hypocrisy
June 22, 2018
The left's descent into the abyss of odium
June 22, 2018
IRS Tea Party persecutor Lois Lerner had help all along: John McCain
June 22, 2018
Charles Krauthammer and me
June 22, 2018
Media blitz on border children separations appears to have failed
June 22, 2018
SCOTUS decision on internet taxes could bankrupt thousands of small online businesses
June 22, 2018
Fake news: Crying migrant child in photo never separated from her mother
June 22, 2018
Lawsuit alleges abuse against illegal teens at detention facility...during Obama years
June 22, 2018
When the left wins
June 22, 2018
The Obama-Russia cyber-attack stand-down
June 22, 2018
What do they bring to the table?
June 22, 2018
Town split into three parts to give American Indians control
June 22, 2018
Racist Washington Post assails Trump for having white Cabinet members
June 22, 2018
Democrats abuse Holocaust memory for political points
June 22, 2018
Someone is calling the lawyers in over the sonic attacks
June 22, 2018
With all its faults, the IG report is historical
June 21, 2018
A screaming rabid radical, employed by the Department of Justice
June 21, 2018
Obama uses ‘World Refugee Day’ to pipe up on border apprehensions
June 21, 2018
Overheated ‘cyber-Pearl Harbor’ rhetoric on Russia’s 2016 election activities now haunts Obama administration
June 21, 2018
On Immigration Congress Snoozes, Trump Cruises
June 21, 2018
Trump's strategic retreat
June 21, 2018
Spoiler Alert: Robert De Niro and Peter Fonda have ruined two favorite movies for me
June 21, 2018
How Trump's executive order on family separations is likely to play out
June 21, 2018
Warmists lynching an innocent bystander, CO2
June 21, 2018
Michigan coed who made false rape report sentenced to 45 days in jail
June 21, 2018
Trump will propose combining the Education and Labor Departments
June 21, 2018
Offer of free Whoppers for life for women impregnated by World Cup players in Russia embarrasses Burger King
June 21, 2018
Senate refuses to cut a penny from $1.3 trillion budget
June 21, 2018
There's nothing wrong with being white
June 21, 2018
Rachel's tender tears
June 21, 2018
A conservative guide to how to win in 2018 and 2020
June 21, 2018
Trump-Putin meet set for July
June 20, 2018
The left is starting to jump the shark on its child migrant 'crisis'
June 20, 2018
Up to 60 organizations may sue SPLC for defamation
June 20, 2018
The real agendas behind the 'separation of families' psy-ops meme
June 20, 2018
Christopher Cuomo surpasses Juan Williams in stupidity
June 20, 2018
Illegal immigration and the Catholic establishment
June 20, 2018
Leftists now encouraging selling children
June 20, 2018
The left's immigration fallacy
June 20, 2018
Straight shooters don't shoot so straight
June 20, 2018
Kirstjen Nielsen stands up to the media
June 20, 2018
Anyone notice that Trump is now tied with 'popular' Obama on job approval?
June 20, 2018
The tariff blather from the press is getting out of control
June 20, 2018
Knife control: The lunacy escalates in UK
June 20, 2018
Desperately seeking an issue
June 20, 2018
Separation was the law before President Trump
June 20, 2018
Is Donald Trump pre-empting a shooting war with China?
June 19, 2018
West Point cadet who advocated for communism discharged from the Army
June 19, 2018
The great pile-on: Every loathsome washed up pol crawls out of the woodwork to bash Trump on child migrants
June 19, 2018
Strzok text 'We'll stop' Trump presidency was deeply buried, requiring extensive forensic efforts to recover it
June 19, 2018
Portland helps buy homes for people but only if they're black
June 19, 2018
Buried news: Colombia's poor rejected socialism, big time, out of a credible fear of 'another Venezuela'
June 19, 2018
The defining characteristic of the White House press corps: They don't listen
June 19, 2018
US, China inch toward all-out trade war
June 19, 2018
The creepy FBI backstory to explain why the OIG's conclusion was so wimpy
June 19, 2018
Ex-CIA employee charged with leaking to WikiLeaks
June 19, 2018
Press whips up emotion in child migrant feeding frenzy, and workable solutions get obscured
June 19, 2018
Migrant families should be kept the Virgin Islands
June 19, 2018
Trump-haters dragging out the Nazi canard again
June 19, 2018
Comparing separations
June 19, 2018
Democrats: Experts at separating families
June 19, 2018
Good news about Colombia's election
June 18, 2018
Et tu, Laura?
June 18, 2018
Dem senator up for re-election busted for using taxpayer money to fund campaign travel
June 18, 2018
The one way 'we can do better' is to build a wall, Laura Bush
June 18, 2018
Gallup: Satisfaction with direction of country highest since 2005
June 18, 2018
Border chase crash: The case for a wall builds
June 18, 2018
School in California to be named after illegal alien
June 18, 2018
DHS issues subpoenas investigating Chinese identity fraud ring funneling fake students to American universities
June 18, 2018
They're green, all right!
June 18, 2018
South Korea proposes that North Korea move its artillery away from the border
June 18, 2018
SCOTUS to decide two big cases on partisan gerrymandering
June 18, 2018
Darlene to replace Roseanne
June 18, 2018
Michael Hayden isn't a Holocaust-denier, but he's acting like one
June 18, 2018
About that road less traveled...
June 18, 2018
No 'immigrants' were killed in high-speed chase with Border Patrol
June 18, 2018
'Futbol' gives Mexicans a bit of relief from reality
June 17, 2018
James Comey is running for president
June 17, 2018
Soft Jihad in America
June 17, 2018
Government removal of children from their parents didn’t start with Trump
June 17, 2018
Sunday Schadenfreude: media mockery of Trump when he announced his candidacy three years ago
June 17, 2018
Paul Manafort's enemies burst forward from their Norman Rockwell painting
June 17, 2018
Scientists say Trump policies will kill 80,000 people per decade
June 17, 2018
Harvard med school removes portraits of prominent white, male doctors
June 17, 2018
No, the firing of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette cartoonist is not a threat to free speech
June 17, 2018
Judge Jeanine Pirro: IG report is evidence of Deep State hard at work
June 17, 2018
‘Good behavior’ by judges
June 17, 2018
A disgrace by German leftist parliamentarians
June 17, 2018
It's time to stop saying the words 'Native Americans'
June 17, 2018
Death of Susanna: Anti-Semitism never goes away
June 17, 2018
Another Father's Day, and so many kids without fathers around
June 17, 2018
The conservative free speech dilemma
June 16, 2018
A necessary question for IG Horowitz when he testifies Monday
June 16, 2018
Bottom line? Obama single-handedly ruined the FBI and the DOJ
June 16, 2018
Velvet glove for Hillary Clinton, iron hand for Paul Manafort
June 16, 2018
Trump rejects, then supports House immigration bill
June 16, 2018
The president meets the press – in a most unusual way
June 16, 2018
Skyrocketing crime rate in California called 'good progress' after jails emptied
June 16, 2018
US to finally withdraw from wildly misnamed UN Human Rights Council
June 16, 2018
Media bid to blame Trump for US policy on illegals and children is dishonest
June 16, 2018
How Harvard discriminates against Asians
June 16, 2018
World IQ going down
June 16, 2018
The legitimacy of hypocrisy
June 16, 2018
Watching your back in Clintonville
June 16, 2018
On laughing it up and shaking hands with evil dictators
June 16, 2018
Making sense of President Trump's numbers
June 16, 2018
Only a second investigation will clear the FBI
June 15, 2018
Pelosi provides rocket fuel for GOP House candidates
June 15, 2018
The hypocrisy of the illegal immigrant lobby's howls about family separation
June 15, 2018
With FBI's boiling hate for voters exposed, America dodged a bullet by electing Trump
June 15, 2018
Decoding the Horowitz Report on 'bias'
June 15, 2018
A former IG investigator looks at the DOJ IG report
June 15, 2018
Merkel may not survive row over refugees
June 15, 2018
Did reporters violate the law in giving gifts to FBI employees in exchange for leaks?
June 15, 2018
From Hawaii to Puerto Rico, the left's 'Katrina' narrative on Trump collapses
June 15, 2018
They must be joking when they claim political bias was not what guided Obama's DoJ and FBI
June 15, 2018
Strzok's 'We'll stop' Trump text never seen by Congress
June 15, 2018
Tweet of the day: Bias? What bias?
June 15, 2018
The Deep State is fighting reforms in Latin America
June 15, 2018
The National Guard deployment to the border is a sham
June 15, 2018
Democrats are responsible for tent cities for illegal alien kids
June 14, 2018
Comey's weaselly tweet on the IG report
June 14, 2018
Leaked version of pending House immigration bill calls for amnesty for millions of illegals
June 14, 2018
Musk to build underground high-speed rail connecting Chicago's loop and O'Hare
June 14, 2018
Elizabeth Warren caught speaking with forked tongue on billionaires
June 14, 2018
Wolf Blitzer says the press 'loves the American people'
June 14, 2018
As blacks flee San Francisco, rich lefties who displaced them elect a mascot black mayor to virtue-signal
June 14, 2018
A big reason why Soros was rejected so badly in the polls last week
June 14, 2018
To Trump's critics: Where's the beef?
June 14, 2018
National media ignoring DOJ arrests of 2,300 suspected pedophiles
June 14, 2018
Revealed: In January, Trump called out Mahmoud Abbas for Jew-hatred
June 14, 2018
NRSC refuses to endorse or support Corey Stewart's Senate bid
June 14, 2018
Democrat seeking primary win goes full masochist
June 14, 2018
Legal confidentiality of Catholic confession to be breached
June 14, 2018
Fox News triumphs in the ratings during summit week
June 14, 2018
Minimum wage hikes not so good for black and Hispanic employment
June 14, 2018
Partisan cynics gone wild
June 13, 2018
Air Force's 'most wanted deserter' discovered working on Janet Napolitano's staff
June 13, 2018
IL GOP asks Trump not to pardon former Gov. Blagojevich
June 13, 2018
McCabe stews in bitterness
June 13, 2018
DACA advocates get the vote they want, so get ready for more sob stories about illegals
June 13, 2018
Chelsea Clinton not happy about being compared to Howdy Doody
June 13, 2018
Did Rod Rosenstein threaten to go after House staffers with subpoenas last January?
June 13, 2018
Dershowitz: Final nail in the coffin of the ACLU
June 13, 2018
Trump's video played for Kim elicits sneers from media but was a brilliant persuasive device
June 13, 2018
It's Trump's night as his candidates sweep GOP primaries
June 13, 2018
Referendum to split Calif into three states will appear on the November ballot
June 13, 2018
Why does Trump suddenly sound like 'The Manchurian Candidate'?
June 13, 2018
Threats of violence against conservatives, from President Trump to me
June 13, 2018
At what point do we say 'failed state'?
June 13, 2018
Halftime report: The lowdown on 2018 so far
June 13, 2018
Thoughts on Bourdain: Why did he do it?
June 12, 2018
Bianca Jagger gets into the Nicaragua act again
June 12, 2018
McGowan and Argento inadvertantly explain Bourdain's suicide
June 12, 2018
Trump credits death of Otto Warmbier as impetus for summit with Kim
June 12, 2018
Kim Jong-un flies home to sell the deal to the North Korean ruling elite
June 12, 2018
Trump's statesmanship surprise
June 12, 2018
On North Korea, Trump is solving problems he inherited, yet Democrats who caused the problems can't stop complaining
June 12, 2018
Seattle mulls repealing controversial 'head tax' on employees
June 12, 2018
Dems lament SCOTUS decision keeping voter registration rolls more honest
June 12, 2018
Dear stupid media: North Korean denuclearization is a foregone conclusion
June 12, 2018
Liberals scream as Trump ends sham asylum claims
June 12, 2018
Branding meltdown: IHOP is now IHOB
June 12, 2018
Smoking bans and mirrors: Is it about health? Or control?
June 12, 2018
Liberals destroying hate, one F-bomb at a time
June 12, 2018
An unsurprising immigration poll
June 11, 2018
MeToo: Democratic Party leader Eric Holder is looking for new Weinsteins to defend
June 11, 2018
Two primaries on Tuesday illustrate why the 'Blue Wave' is far from certain
June 11, 2018
Read of the day: Sharyl Attkisson knocks one out of the park with devastating analogy
June 11, 2018
What is Trump-talk for striped-pants boys?
June 11, 2018
The New York Times then, the New York Times now
June 11, 2018
Willie Brown warns Dems they may be in for a surprise with Cox
June 11, 2018
Frustrated Nunes gives FBI, DoJ ultimatum to supply informant docs
June 11, 2018
Eagles were playing out of their league
June 11, 2018
Trump employs Zwischenzug while his opponents play checkers
June 11, 2018
New populist Italian government closes ports to refugee ships
June 11, 2018
Marin County town spends $2,000 per linear foot for bike path
June 11, 2018
Marriage in chaos
June 11, 2018
Hypocrisy and the left
June 11, 2018
New policy 'unclogs' immigration courts
June 11, 2018
A NAFTA story we don't hear about
June 10, 2018
Bill Maher, hoping for that economic collapse 'round the corner...
June 10, 2018
Kim Jong-un hitches a ride on Air China for trip to Singapore
June 10, 2018
Trump exposes the G-7 summit as a total fraud
June 10, 2018
Explaining Jeff Sessions
June 10, 2018
Speaking of witness-tampering, Mr. Mueller...
June 10, 2018
Trump called anti-science for rejecting liberal scientists
June 10, 2018
When will Colorado apologize to the owner of Masterpiece Cake?
June 10, 2018
Libs blame Trump for giving illegal alien wife beaters a free hand
June 10, 2018
Liberals shamefully ignore racism against Africa's albinos
June 10, 2018
Soft Power, the latest anti-American theatrical screed
June 10, 2018
Krauthammer turned out to be right about Iraq
June 10, 2018
Fox’s Legends & Lies: The Civil War concludes tonight
June 10, 2018
Dems issue delusional demands on North Korea
June 9, 2018
More Trump-hating lovebirds: Ali Watkins and the rise of casting-couch journalism
June 9, 2018
Pelosi beclowns herself in weekly presser
June 9, 2018
Trump co-opting NFL critics with pardon offer
June 9, 2018
A smoking gun by any other name
June 9, 2018
Mitt Romney comes around
June 9, 2018
Krauthammer's virtues vastly outweigh his sins
June 9, 2018
Can someone please tell John McCain he can resign now?
June 9, 2018
Is it really tariffs that are killing newspapers?
June 9, 2018
The worst way to die is to know the day of your death
June 9, 2018
Media clutch their pearls over President Trump's refusal to defend Obamacare
June 9, 2018
Universities marking down students for using banned gender terms
June 9, 2018
Nothing new under the Sun: The journalism-for-sex trade-off, revisited
June 9, 2018
Picking fights with President Trump
June 9, 2018
Dad's funeral: Final notes regarding a Civil Rights pioneer
June 9, 2018
Unbiased and nonpolitical
June 8, 2018
Mata Hari journalism? Veteran Senate Intelligence Committee staffer, in romantic relationship with NYT reporter, arrested in probe of leaks
June 8, 2018
The lawless, porn-respecting , MS-13-loving, humorless American left
June 8, 2018
Should we continue to preserve the fictions around 'anchor babies'?
June 8, 2018
Trump whips out the Putin card for snivelling allies
June 8, 2018
ICE to imprison 1600 illegal alien detainees
June 8, 2018
Fact-challenged Michael Wolff fails upward, rewarded with a new book contract
June 8, 2018
'Investigation of the investigators' begins
June 8, 2018
CNN star Anthony Bourdain dead of suicide in France
June 8, 2018
DoJ says it won't defend individual mandate, other provisions of Obamacare
June 8, 2018
Just in time for Trump-Kim summit: DoJ inspector general to release Clinton email report
June 8, 2018
Mexico launches a new round of meddling in US elections
June 8, 2018
AT vs. the Nazis
June 8, 2018
Past time for Andy McCabe to hit the road
June 8, 2018
Senator Flake in Havana
June 8, 2018
The White House Press Corps: Pull their credentials
June 7, 2018
Revealed: Senate Intelligence Committee under pending DOJ investigation over leaks
June 7, 2018
Registrar in Houston fighting to keep non-citizens eligible to vote
June 7, 2018
With pardoned Alice Johnson shouting, 'I love you, President Trump!' – leftists stew at how Trump outsmarted them
June 7, 2018
Who leaked portions of the IG report, and why?
June 7, 2018
Judge says DoJ anti-sanctuary city law is unconstitutional
June 7, 2018
Black employment: The new underground railroad
June 7, 2018
Anthem protests: We sure could use a Rick Monday
June 7, 2018
Why is Melania's health more important than Hillary's?
June 7, 2018
What to do about McCabe?
June 7, 2018
State Department says consulate employees in China suffering similar symptoms to those sickened in Cuba
June 7, 2018
Trump celebrates Ramadan, calling it 'a timeless message of peace, clarity, and love'
June 7, 2018
Swimsuits and other offenses
June 7, 2018
Melania looks gracious, and the media look silly
June 7, 2018
Thinking about the Holocaust
June 6, 2018
Ignoring the Samantha Power bombshell
June 6, 2018
Nope, no blue wave in California. GOP actually better poised for gains because of the Trump wave
June 6, 2018
Bill Clinton tries a do-over as book publicity tour nightmare looms
June 6, 2018
The end of the swimsuit competition is part of the war on heterosexual men
June 6, 2018
Army commander approves no prison time for Bergdahl
June 6, 2018
Andrew McCabe wants grant of immunity in exchange for congressional testimony on handling of Hillary email investigation
June 6, 2018
Trump doing his best to discourage bogus asylum requests
June 6, 2018
Will the blue wave reach the Midwest?
June 6, 2018
Was Patton right?
June 6, 2018
Restructuring specialized high schools in New York
June 6, 2018
The Masterpiece constitutional cake
June 6, 2018
Not sure Patti really knows her father
June 6, 2018
Trump and presidential pardons
June 6, 2018
Gaza and Palestinian nihilism
June 6, 2018
Bipartisanship and the social justice warrior
June 5, 2018
Too brown to win? That's what Democrats actually told one of their own candidates
June 5, 2018
Bill Clinton is now staring at the underside of the Democrats' bus
June 5, 2018
The one topic Democrats don't dare bring up in today's SoCal primary
June 5, 2018
Howard Schultz resigns as Starbucks chairman, may run in 2020
June 5, 2018
Slam-dunk video exposes CNN-MSNBC idiocy on Trump
June 5, 2018
A closer look at SCOTUS's gay cake decision
June 5, 2018
'Sticks and stones' in the age of PC
June 5, 2018
Louisiana's Gov. Bel Edwards puts the boot to the helpless
June 5, 2018
A mistake by Google?
June 5, 2018
How Christians fight back on wedding cakes
June 5, 2018
How will #MeToo affect the midterms?
June 5, 2018
Conservative America's mainstream media war
June 5, 2018
Press hypocrisy on President Trump's 'right to try'
June 5, 2018
The very wide narrow ruling
June 5, 2018
Whining about good news
June 4, 2018
Cleaning up after Obama and Hillary
June 4, 2018
Sarah Sanders trolls Paul Krugman
June 4, 2018
New Italian Interior Minister to Illegals: 'Pack your bags'
June 4, 2018
Google up to its old tricks again and Devin Nunes has a bead on them
June 4, 2018
Asian voters turning Orange County blue? Don't bet on it
June 4, 2018
Bill Clinton: If it were a Democratic president, impeachment hearings would be underway
June 4, 2018
Political violence on the streets of downtown Portland as Antifa battles Patriot Prayer Group
June 4, 2018
Italy's government battles Soros
June 4, 2018
Kim fires top three military officials
June 4, 2018
Bodyguard of anti-gun activist Father Pfleger arrested on gun charges
June 4, 2018
Check out this map of arson fires in Israel
June 4, 2018
'I, Sean Hannity, am the next target of the Deep State'
June 4, 2018
Mainstream media's nasty words filter
June 4, 2018
The embargo had nothing to do with the air crash in Cuba
June 4, 2018
The Israel Day parade
June 3, 2018
Instead of write memos, isn't it time for Trump to just fire the Special Counsel?
June 3, 2018
Left buys into fake news about Martha Stewart refusing Trump pardon
June 3, 2018
Portland bakery fires two employees for refusing service to a black customer after closing time
June 3, 2018
The Barrs and the Bees: Leftists' rancid indecency
June 3, 2018
Maureen Dowd satirizes Obama’s 'peak Spock’
June 3, 2018
Bill Kristol’s soul-threatening hatred of Trump
June 3, 2018
Cuba exposed as the dirty bird in making Venezuela a narcostate
June 3, 2018
Has Trump already 'won' with his North Korea gambit?
June 3, 2018
Trump Dynamics: Colombia poised to elect a conservative populist
June 3, 2018
Senate Republicans becoming more bullish on their electoral prospects in November
June 3, 2018
Oklahoma becomes the 8th state to fall under California travel ban
June 3, 2018
USA Today’s scoop: a rectangular state legalized marijuana
June 3, 2018
James Clapper, piece of work
June 3, 2018
Falling through the liberal looking-glass
June 3, 2018
Presidente Lopez-Obrador?
June 2, 2018
Workers win their right to boot the United Farm Workers union
June 2, 2018
Italy’s version of the deep state folds as populist government sworn in
June 2, 2018
Soros becomes the kiss of death for his own handpicked DA candidates
June 2, 2018
Affirmative action in the control tower
June 2, 2018
Pelosi: 'Strong employment numbers mean little'
June 2, 2018
Report: US looking to discreetly pick up Kim's hotel bill in Singapore
June 2, 2018
The passing of my dad, Rev. Dr. Lloyd E. Marcus
June 2, 2018
Ambien: The new 'assault drug'?
June 2, 2018
Are Democrats becoming the stupid party as well as the evil one?
June 2, 2018
Left-wing intolerance
June 2, 2018
Samantha Bee is rude and ignorant of recent history
June 2, 2018
Judge commands Iowa not to reduce number of babies killed
June 2, 2018
On 'Spygate,' whatever happened to 'trust but verify'?
June 2, 2018
More socialism is not the right note for music industry reform
June 1, 2018
What we learn from Ben Rhodes: Obama believed he was entitled to rule and anyone thinking otherwise was a bitter clinger
June 1, 2018
Did Michelle Obama successfully lobby ABC TV's president to fire Roseanne?
June 1, 2018
Five takeaways from the Samantha Bee affair
June 1, 2018
Watch ICE director school liberal media about 'virtuous' illegal aliens
June 1, 2018
Trump Effect: Endorsement of Cox shifts dynamics of California governor's race to GOP
June 1, 2018
California Dems eating their own in bid for House takeover
June 1, 2018
How liberal wackiness wrecks local government
June 1, 2018
Churches swear off police, vow to befriend criminals instead
June 1, 2018
Netflix CEO bundles money for Obama, Netflix gets net neutrality, Obamas get huge contract
June 1, 2018
Obama DOJ failed to inform FISA Court of the informant, spy, whatever
June 1, 2018
The PC thug scourge cast upon America
June 1, 2018
Tommy Robinson and the British press
June 1, 2018
Roseanne's hypocritical enemies
June 1, 2018
Reza Pahlavi and the liberation of Iran
June 1, 2018
Lupe, Beto, and the blue wave