Analog brownshirts


A site new to me, The Politburo Diktat, features a list of violent and distasteful actions taken against Bush supporters and their property. Once again, the left has engaged in projection, accusing the Republicans of being what they on the left have actually become. here is the list:

West Allis, Wisconsin — Dem. demonstrators stormed a Republican campaign office, Oct. 5.

Knoville, Tennessee — Gunshots fired into Bush—Cheney headquarters, Oct. 4.

Orlando, Florida — Mob attacks Bush—Cheney office, Oct. 5.

Madison, Wisconsin — Swastika Burned Into Grass On Bush Supporter's Lawn, Oct. 1.

Vail, Colorado — Vandals chainsaw Bush—Cheney sign on Magnus Lindholm's yard, Sept. 29.

Columbus, Ohio — Purple Heart Iraqi vet attacked, Sept. 30.

Gainesville, Florida — Democrat slugs area GOP chief, Sept. 18.

In flight, over Canada — Drunken Kerry supporter assaults seatmate in flight, Sept. 16.

Dallas, Texas
— Family of dead soldier harassed at candlelight vigil, Sept. 9.

Bozeman, Mont. — Bush campaign office vandalized, paint sprayed and rocks thrown, Sept. 4. (per reader Prakk)

Huntington, West Virginia — Gunshot fired at Republican headquarters, Sept. 2.

Seattle, Wash. — Veteran for Bush booed at parade, July. (per reader Jessica)

Hat tip: Alex

Thomas Lifson   10 07 04