Brit leading call for academic ban of Israel has Nazi links


The Jerusalem Post has discovered some interesting links behind the British AUT [a trade union for higher education] passing a ban on contacts with Israeli scholars and universities:

The Web site of Sue Blackwell, the Birmingham lecturer who presented motions calling for boycotts of Israeli universities, contains a recommended link to a Web site owned by an anti—Semitic neo—Nazi activist. Wendy Campbell, who owns the MarWen Media Web site, has promoted Holocaust denial and anti—Semitic conspiracy theories discussing "unrivaled Jewish power," and maintains an additional Web site entitled "Exposing Israeli Apartheid," which is also linked by Blackwell.

MarWen Media, which is linked directly from Blackwell's Web site, advocates the views of Kevin Macdonald, an anti—Semitic pro—Nazi author, who has claimed Jews are responsible for a "breeding program" to conquer other "races."

Hat tip: David Bookless

Thomas Lifson   5 02 05