CAFTA passes


Investors Business Daily publishes an editorial on CAFTA that goes out and talks to some of the people in Los Angeles who will be most affected by it, the Central Americans living there. Turns out that a lot of things are going to easier to do and cheaper, expanding opportunities and purchasing power for people carrying out the substantial trade between the US and Central America.

In all likelihood, there will end up being reverse migration, as the business climate at home will get better:

Central America will get something of a makeover, thanks to the deal. More airline flights, improved infrastructure and big reductions in red tape are all likely results of CAFTA, say economists.

Jayson at Polipundit notes:

For reasons that should be raTHer obvious, you won't find a similar viewpoint in Business Week. Or in Fortune. Or in the New York Times. Or the Los Angeles Times. Or the Washington Post. Or in Time Magazine. Or Newsweek. Or on CNN. Or CNBC. Or on MSNBC. Or in the Detroit Free Press. Or the Philly Inquirer. Or in the Cleveland Plain—Dealer. Etc., etc., etc.

Thomas Lifson   7 28 05