Congressional leadership


We're always told how important it is to drive fuel—efficient cars. Global warming, OPEC, rising prices, yada, yada, yada. So what do our Congressional scolds drive ont he taxpayers' dime? Charles Rangel, whose densely populated district is awash in mass transit, drives a Cadillac DeVille. The Hill reports:

Reps. Charlie Rangel (D—N.Y.) and Carolyn Kilpatrick (D—Mich.) choose Cadillac Devilles; Rep. Alcee Hastings (D—Fla.) cruises around in a 2006 Infiniti M45; Reps. Maurice Hinchey (D—N.Y.) and Tom Feeney (R—Fla.) drive a BMW 525 and Nissan Pathfinder, respectively; and Reps. Howard Berman (D—Calif.) and Mel Watt (D—N.C.) drive fuel—efficient hybrids.

Those are just some of the 122 cars leased by lawmakers using official funds. All told, 115 lawmakers — 64 Republicans and 51 Democrats — lease 122 cars and pay for them from their member representational accounts (MRAs).

I will take CAFE standards seriously when Representatives and Senators start driving fuel efficient cars.

Ed Lasky   9 07 05