Death spiral


Variety brings us the information that CBS Evening News ratings are at an all—time low. All the broadcast news continue their slide downward. Meanwhile:

In cable news, Fox News Channel showed a rare weakness, slipping 6% in total audience in April from the same period a year ago, while CNN gained 11% and MSNBC 7%.

This is probably due to the lavish attention paid by the broadcast nets to the Papal funeral, conclave, and ascent to the Throne of St. Peter of Pope Benedict XVI. Viewers who normally would tune into Fox during the daylight hours instead turned to the broadcast networks and their brand—name correspondents. In prime time, Fox was up one percent.

Still, MSNBC and CNN both gained on Fox. Roger Ailes may want to add some lip gloss and shorten the skirts.

Hat tip: Ed Lasky

Thomas Lifson  4 27 05