US funding for Soros's Open Society Institute


Did you know that you are helping fund the activities of Soros' Open Society Institute? You are. and the Department of State and US AID appear to be his largest contributors.
The Open Society Institute, a private foundation controlled by liberal billionaire and political activist George Soros, received more than $30 million from U.S. government agencies between 1998 and 2003. Last year, Soros donated at least $20 million of his own money to such liberal groups as, in a failed attempt to block the re—election of President George W. Bush.

Tax records the Open Society Institute (OSI) is required to file with the Internal Revenue Service list "FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES" as "Contributors" of amounts between $4.6 million and $8.9 million over a six year period:

1998 — $4,611,617

2000 — $4,934,678

2001 — $5,869,809

2002 — $6,138,125

2003 — $8,889,802

The amounts total $30,454,031. Records from 1999 and 2004 were not immediately available.
And to what purpose was this money given?
$4.41 million to the American Civil Liberties Union and its state affiliates,

$500,000 to the Pro—Choice Education Project to launch a (pro—abortion rights) "public education and media strategy,"
$100,000 to the Death Penalty Information Center, an organization that works against capital punishment,

$100,000 to Catholics for a Free Choice, a religious group that advocates for abortion rights,

$100,000 to the Pennsylvania Coalition to Save Lives Now "to support needle exchange programs,"

$80,000 over three years to the Gay Straight Alliance Network, to promote "a traveling photo documentary exhibit by lesbian, gay, transgender, queer and questioning youth,"

$45,000 to the Democracy Matters Institute "to bring the campaign finance reform movement to college campuses,"
$50,000 to the Coalition for an International Criminal Court "to promote education, awareness and acceptance of the International Criminal Court," and

$35,000 to the Abortion Access Project.

Clarice Feldman   4 25 05