Deep cover


North Korea has easily the most vile government on the face of the earth, and has been so for decades. Refugees from the regime which has starved over a million of its own people have told of gas chambers used to excute entire families of those who earned official ire. The latest evidence of the depths to which they will stoop comes from an American soldier who may have defected there, and has recently been released to Japan, where is conducting plea bargain negotiations with American military authorities.

According to the Telegraph (U.K.),

North Korean agents abducted women from eastern Europe and the Middle East, to be married to American soldiers in Pyongyang.

In a statement prepared by his American military lawyer, Mr Jenkins said: "In two of the cases, the Americans had multiple children who are now young adults who appear to be American or European."

According to Mr Jenkins's account, the Americans were allowed to marry only so that they could produce spies for North Korea, "so they could target American interests in South Korea and beyond".

Posted by Thomas   9 9 04