Defend Professor Klocek


Several weeks back, we described the almost unbelievable situation surrounding De Paul Professor Thomas Klocek, who lost his job at  the Catholic university for the "crime" of daring to argue with some Muslim and Palestinian students in a cafeteria about some inflammatory anti—Israel flyers the students were distributing.

So much for free speech rights for Professors at De Paul who dare to defend Israel.

Despite much commentary in the blogosphere about Professor Klocek's case, so far De Paul has offered nothing to Klocek in terms of restoring his position, back pay, health insurance. or even an apology for slandering his good name. A legal defense fund has been created for his lawsuit against De Paul.

You can contribute by sending a check to:

The Thomas Klocek Defense Fund
c/o Cole Taylor Bank
P.O. Box 88481
Chicago, Il. 60680