Europe's new war with America


The nanny states of Europe have reduced their citizens/charges to children.  Unable——or probably unwilling—— to compete, they're trying to pack their marbles and go home

This week, the European Union's (EU) European Commission (EC) opened an investigation into a Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) and Time Warner (NYSE: TWX) deal that would give them control of digital rights management (DRM) company Contentguard.

The crime? Future domination of a market that does not yet exist.

Frankly it is probably best to ignore them and let them pout as they continue to shrink economically and turn instead to other continents with their growing markets. 
This kind of thinking has crept—in over here: Wal—Mart is most often the target, as opponents wax nostalgic over mom and pop stores gone bust and downtowns dying, because of evil Wal—Mart with their low prices and extensive inventory.  A mixed bag initially, to be sure, but the public has freely chosen.
Posted by Ethel C. Fenig  8 27 04