For Laura Ingraham


Just over two weeks ago, radio talk show host Laura Ingraham was diagnosed with breast cancer.  After two surgeries and on—going radiation treatment, Laura has only missed a few days behind the microphone. 

Conservatives are glad to hear that she remains the same: hard on liberals, unforgiving on stray Republicans and unmistakably American.She has become an eloquent advocate of the need for men and women to get regular medical check—ups to catch trouble early. 

My confession today is that I have a soft spot in my heart for Laura, who is to marry soon.  God bless you Laura, be happy. These words are for you:

Rain, Laura, Rain (Sweet Everything's)

I know you every morning...from the moment I rise
Your voice is a whisper
That warms me
As the early sun fills the sky

The truth is not so hard
To believe when I'm dialed in
You get more than some of my attention
Like thunder and lightning

Rain, Laura, rain
Sweet everything's
Far and near
From D.C. to Washington State
The distance I'd cross to hear

Sweet everything's in my ear
Sweet everything's in my ear
You're speaking to me
Loud and clear

Tomorrow is another story
I'd rather not feel blue
I'll stay brave
And I know you will
Cause you'll always remain the same.

J. James Estrada   5 10 05