Harvard's PR leads to censorship


The AP reports that Harvard University's admission office altered the image in a brochure being sent to 150,000 prospective applicants:

A Harvard brochure sent to thousands of prospective students included a doctored photo of the student newspaper's front page that removed a headline about the university president facing a confidence vote.

The headline in the Harvard Crimson read "Summers To Face No Confidence Vote." It referred to Harvard President Lawrence Summers, whose comments about women's aptitude for math and science attracted intense controversy earlier this year.

Obviously, Harvard is ultra—sensitive about the imbroglio which has lead to the debasement of free intellectual inquiry on campus, substituting party line dogma about the nature of men and women in science, and resulted in a $50 million "program" to further the hiring of women in science at Harvard.

Hat tip: Ed Lasky

Thomas Lifson   6 15 05