Hermetically sealed philosophies


Chill. Joe Crowley and American Thinker editors/readers.  Relax your prickly spines——there is no threat to Christianity or any other religion afoot; just a new dimension.  Removing Bibles from hospital (and hotel) nightstands is not an indication of "political correctness gone mad, a new and growing intolerance to Christianity in any way, shape or form..."

Rather, it is a belated——very belated and long overdue——realization that religious beliefs are highly personal; that a one size, one monopolistic outlook fits all, intolerance to other religious philosophies in any way, shape or form does not apply to their clientele.  Indeed, the belief that it does is counterproductive and often harms rather than heals.
Including a Bible among the soap, shampoo and other standard room supplies subtly, and sometimes not so subtly, indicates the expected belief and behavior system to an often stressed patient. Failure to conform to the orientation directed by the Bible might mean the patient won't  get the same level of care.  Preying (not praying) upon the vulnerable is cruel. Even if not true, if the patient believes this, the damage is done.
Bibles or other literature need not be banned from such institutions; they should be readily available, in the religion of one's choice, upon request; even mentioned in the hospital brochure. 
Do I exaggerate?  From personal experience, the answer is "Alas, no."
Now about the superbug?  Will removing Bibles slow its spread?  Hmm, less is less.
Ethel C. Fenig    6 3 05