Hillary's far-left agenda, continued


Christopher Adamo makes a superb case today about Hillary Clinton's glaring weakness as an ambitious 2006 presidential candidate — her far—left agenda.

One additional detail was seen in today's Investor's Business Daily editorial that further shows Hillary's leftist agenda: her effort to slam the door shut on trade with the hemisphere through her nasty 'no' vote on CAFTA, the free trade treaty. She was on the losers' side of the issue as the Senate dropped partisan politics and approved it, 54—45 in the Senate last week. Hillary's 'no' vote, as both the IBD editorial and this editorial by Donald Rumsfeld show, is a 'yes' for Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, both of whom will do anything to stop CAFTA.

Hillary's 'no' vote puts her in the same league as freak—left Marxist fringe groups like CISPESWitness for Peace, Pastors for Peace, La Raza, Aztlan Free Press and all the others in the Stop—CAFTA coalition. You can see the whole beaded birkenstocked crew for yourself here.

Further proof of her ingrained alliance with the 60s protestors and 1980s backwash crowd is the fact that Bill Clinton actively campaigned for the passage of CAFTA. The rest of Congress evidently found him more persuasive than her. Not only did Clinton admirably campaign for the passage of the bill, he also launched it 11 years earlier. Hillary's undercutting of her own husband to support fringe causes — even though he won — is surely a disgraceful example of her true alliances and hopefully a campaign issue in the making.

A.M. Mora y Leon 07 08 05