Katrina's Test: Inspiring Greatness


How did FEMA become part of the Department of Homeland Security?  Recall that due to the defection of Jumpin' Jim Jeffords, Democrats controlled the Senate during the period when the Department of Homeland Security was formed.  The Senate committee behind the effort was the Senate Governmental Committee chaired by Joe Lieberman.  It was Lieberman (D—Ct), Arlen Specter (R—Pa) and Bob Graham (D—Fl), who submitted the proposal that melded better than 20 agencies together, including FEMA, to create DHS.

Democrats at the time were all over President Bush for resisting this huge new bureaucratic project.  And that's just what it was and is: a project.  What we've just experienced in the Gulf Coast is an example of how everything that strives for perfection needs to be tested.  The test is needed to get stronger, not weaker.

That's why President Bush's address from New Orleans last night was so inspirational.

This is not the time to destroy what remains, but to build upon it.  This is not the time to give up, but to get up.  The little people in the Democratic Party (Hillary, Jesse, et al), who get smaller as the job gets bigger, need to get out of the way while great men get to work. 

We know Bush got to work when it came time to after 9/11.  His resume includes freeing 50 million people from tyranny while pursuing and destroying the enemy. Last night he said, 'Let me lead, again'.  If he were to submit a cover letter to that resume in gaining our confidence in his ability to tackle this natural 9/11, it would read as such:

I am considering a new employment opportunity that will allow me to fully utilize my lifelong skills as well as make use of the training I've recently obtained.  My demeanor is always professional and my energy level always high.  It has been instilled in me to be respectful of my employees and colleagues both within and without the workplace.  Character traits like honesty and integrity are something I take seriously and live every day. 

The most important aspect of my manner that I believe would most benefit this endeavor is dedication.  Hard work is not something I fear or cower from. With this in mind, it is my dedication to the job at hand that makes for the successful completion of time sensitive or other essential projects. 

I am thoughtful in my decision—making process, as thinking matters and problems through is important and necessary.  It is also expedient to be prepared to act when others stand down.

My resume will reveal my experience, but allow me to speak to the days ahead.  When you take me on, I will endeavor to have immediate short—term impact and expect to bring long—term results that will please all involved.


George W. Bush

J. James Estrada   9 16 05