Let the miscreant pontificate


Benon Sevan is a miscreant who cooperated with a genocidal and serial war—monger (Hussein) to corrupt the oil—for—food program for personal pecuniary gain. His friend Kofi Annan extended diplomatic immunity to him as a form of protection, conditioned on Volcker report findings. When these became public, it was clear that Benon Sevan would be guilty of crimes if diplomatic immunity were removed. Since he has already fled to his native Cyprus which will not extradite him, he is home free. Yet that does nto remove the fact that he is a miscreant.

The New York Times gives him a soapbox to defend himself in its Paris edition, still quaintly called the "International Herald Tribune" (where is the domestic Herald—Tribune, pray tell?). If Sevan is so interested in defending himself and the merits of the oil—for—food program, why not come out of Cyrpus?
Ed Lasky   9 13 05